HEXONET Reseller Days

Datum 08.06.2017 - 09.06.2017 ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort SCHLOSSBERG-HOTEL Schlossberg-Höhenstraße 66424 Homburg/Saar

8-9 June 2017 – Homburg/Saar

HEXONET is excited to be hosting its first ever conference – reseller days – for clients, resellers and partners at their European headquarters in Homburg, Germany. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from several Top-Level-Domain registries, learn the latest technology and business developments available at HEXONET, and connect with other key players in the industry.

The domain market is vastly different from just a few short years ago. A thousand new extensions have brought both opportunity and chaos. Regulations and policies have introduced more legal complexity.

HEXONET has been adapting and innovating in response to these changes; however, the real key to overcoming these challenges is to meet, discuss, educate and work together in finding the answers. This is the purpose and goal of reseller days.

Attend, learn and empower your business and drive the future of domain names at reseller days!

Further information & registration