Fast Growth of Data Center Market in East-Central Europe

Fast Growth of Data Center Market in East-Central Europe 1

Interview with Grzegorz Paszka, 3S Group

Mr. Paszka already supported Pik Net with his knowledge, and then TDC Internet. He has been connected with 3S from the beginning. For many years he was a Director of the Transmission Department, appreciated in the industry and with wide technical experience, and the creator and implementing person of consecutive modernisations of networks.

When, as the result of the company’s development, there appeared a need to extend the Management Board to include a „technical“ person, the choice was obvious.

What has been your Company’s greatest success in the last 12 months?

I think that our greatest success was the opening of new data center and its rapid commercialization. That was one year ago and we are already letting out 60% of the surface there. It has been achieved thanks to technical departments which take professional care of the facility and prepare it according to the Customer’s needs and also thanks to our sales specialists who are able to adjust an offer and take care about contacts.

Moreover, our network has increased by nearly 700 km of new fiber optic lines. This is our record. We also managed to improve considerably the functioning of the Company through introducing changes within the structure or budgeting. Our great success is also the change of our headquarters. Now, we are working in one of the most modern office buildings in Poland.

In your opinion, which area of the Internet has the greatest growth potential at the moment?

It is not strictly the area of the Internet but surely these are related services. In the East-Central Europe a data center market is developing rapidly. According to various reports, it ranges from 15 to 20% of increase a year. Services based on data centers are within the greatest interest and they are most popular. Having good tele-transmission links and a back-up facility such as a data center is a perfect base for advanced IT systems.

What will the greatest challenge be for your company in the future?

The most serious challenge will be creating such a network which we have in Silesia on new markets – dense, reliable and modern. We are already doing this but there is still much work ahead of us. We would like to have such a market position in all of southern Poland. This involves the work on the brand awareness, but what is most important here are comprehensive investments. We hope for the best. Another challenge will be the construction and commercialization of future data centers. These are plans for the forthcoming years.

Why did your company decide to become a member of eco?

We joined eco in 2009. We wanted to provide our Customers with excellent connectivity with the world of the Internet – the DE-CIX node has always been the best solution for us. We like the activities of eco to the benefit of the integration of members and business information exchange.

3S is a group of companies from the telecommunications industry, located in the area of Silesian province (Katowice). 3S has its own optical fiber network, the length of which exceeds 2700 km as well as the largest data center in Silesia – one of the most modern such facilities in Poland. The Group, present on the market since 2002, so far has offered its service under the brand 3S Śląskie Sieci Światłowodowe.

Since 2012, it has been operating under a simplified name 3S. The group consists of: 3S SA, established as a result of the merge of TKP SA and 3S Sp. z o.o. (which builds and provides fiber-optic infrastructure and telecom services) and 3S Data Center S.A (which manages the data center.