econnect on Tour

Datum 24.06.2015 - 25.06.2015 ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort Cologne
Veranstalter eco – Association of the German Internet Industry

Introducing international IT executives to how to do business successfully in the German IT market

eco – the Association of the German Internet Industry is presenting an exclusive 2-day intercultural event to better understand the strongest economic center in Europe, and to meet the top decision-makers in the German Internet industry.

Our Hosts

nobeo GmbH


Turtle Entertainment

With insight from German Experts in the areas of

  • Data Centers/Hosting
  • Online Content & Streaming Media
  • Domains & Law
  • Games Development
Detlev Artelt
CEO, aixvox GmbH
Rolf Claessen
Patent Attorney
Michael Frey
CEO, Frey Business Consulting GmbH
Rosa Hafezi
Attorney, eco e.V.
Oliver Jungklaus
Senior Marketing Manager, Plantronics
Klaus Landefeld
Nexiu GmbH
Marcel Menge
Managing Director, Turtle Entertainment
Thomas Pöhler
CTO, ESL Technology
Gerd Simon
Independent Management Consultant
Lars Steffen
Member Services, eco e.V.
Vincenz Wagner
Enterprise Ireland

Over the two days, participants will …

  • get an insight into the German IT and Internet industry
  • visit a range of IT firms in the Cologne area
  • learn about the way Germans do business
  • how to function successfully in the German market
  • how to network effectively with Germans

… culminating in attending the festive eco Gala and the eco Internet Awards Ceremony, where guests can apply what they’ve learned when they meet and network with more than 400 senior executives from the German Internet Industry, at one of the largest industry events in Germany.

An excellent opportunity to meet potential business partners in a relaxed atmosphere!

Topics for the wide variety of workshops and presentations will include German business culture, socializing and networking with Germans, The German IT landscape, peculiarities of German law, and branding for German consumers.

If you have an executive position and would like to participate in the econnect tour, send an email with your name, company and position to

See the agenda