Update DDoS Mitigation and Blackholing

Datum 30.06.2016 ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort Lindleystrasse 12 60314 Frankfurt

Status Quo, Standardization und Future Development

DDoS attacks hitting networks are growing larger and larger every year. As seen in our last workshop this is a serious problem for network and their costumers. Countermeasures could be implemented at different places – usually a combination of several is a good strategy. In this workshop we are going to present the lastest developments and experiences from an operators and the IXPs perspective. Together with you we want to discuss strategies, best practices and needs on the topics. So your input is highly appreciated.

Attendance is free of charge for members of eco and DE-CIX costumer. Please contact events@eco.de for VIP code.

Please note: On 29 June, DE-CIX is organizing a technical meeting for DE-CIX customers in Frankfurt.


09:30 Registration and Coffee
10:00 Welcome
Sebastian Abt
10:15 DDoS Mitigation simple but beautiful
Presentation and Discussion
Oliver Werner
netcup GmbH
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Status Update: Blackholing und RPKI-Light at DE-CIX
Presentation and Discussion
Daniel Kopp
12:45 Closing
Sebastian Abt
13:00 Get-Together