
Call for contributions: dotmagazine – Smart Life & Cloud

dotmagazine – eco’s monthly English-language in-depth magazine on Internet-related topics

Call for contributions from eco member companies and specialists on the topics of the Smart Life & the Cloud, Digital Entertainment and Data Protection.

The eco International team is inviting contributions for its monthly in-depth magazine on Internet-related topics; dotmagazine.

For the October issue on Smart Life & the Cloud, focus topics will include:

  • Smart Home
  • Smart City
  • Building automation
  • Security for cloud and smart solutions
  • Cloud platforms
  • Multi-cloud management


We are also looking for submissions from eco members who are experts in their field for the following issues:

  • November 2017: Digital Entertainment
  • December 2017: Data Protection

Contributions which are accepted will be published in full as „Industry Insights“, and integrated as rich content into feature articles. Other member content can be linked to as relevant further reading, even if it is not incorporated into an article. Contributions can take the form of:

    • Text interviews
    • Audio interviews
    • Scientific papers or white papers
    • Position statements
    • Explanatory or documentary-style videos
    • Articles offering advice or tips & tricks
    • Other (not advertising messages)

The deadline for expressions of interest with an abstract of the proposed contribution or proposed interview topic is Friday, 11 August 2017.

The deadline for submission of texts is Friday, 25 August 2017.

Please contact dotmagazine@eco.de for information on deadlines for upcoming editions, and for further information regarding future topics.

By submitting an article to dot.magazine, you agree to the eco Guidelines for Contributors.

To subscribe to the dotmagazine newsletter, sign up here.

© eco - Verband der Internetwirtschaft e. V.