
Domain Industry Study: Registrar-Atlas 2013

eco – The Association of the German Internet Industry is kicking-off the third edition of the Registrar Atlas. After the big success of the first two studies on the domain industry, eight countries are now covered. If you offer domain registrations as part of your service, please be part of the survey.

With your help, we will be able to monitor developments in the domain industry over time and compare various markets. The new edition will cover Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and Russia.

Questions cover areas such as:

  • How are companies in the domain business set up? How many FTEs are working on domain related topics?
  • Which extensions are offered and how many domains are managed?
  • What are the trends and drivers?
  • What effects will the new Top Level Domains have on the market?

The survey can be done by any company that offers its customers domain services – even if that is a small part of its business or an additional business. The survey takes no more than 15 minutes to complete. Participants may opt to take part in a drawing and win one of 200 amazon gift cards (10 x 50 €, 20 x 20 €, 170 x 10 €). The survey is open until January 20th, 2013.

Last year’s study can be downloaded here.