
eco Ensures Legal Certainty for German Registrars

Three eco member companies obtain Data Retention Waivers from ICANN

Accreditation contracts that the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) as a company enters into with registrars do not always comply in all points with the legal requirements of the country where the registrar has their headquarters – for example, in the area of Blanket Data Retention, which is not permissible in Germany.

For such cases, ICANN has implemented a procedure in which a legal opinion can be submitted which confirms the incompatibility of the specifications with national law. Three eco member companies, 1API GmbH, Ingenit GmbH and RegistryGate GmbH, have already used this process to obtain an exemption which takes full account of German legal regulations. In these three cases, the exemption related to what is called the Data Retention Waiver.

“We are very pleased, after a quite protracted process with ICANN, to have succeeded in getting recognition of the prevailing legal framework conditions. This creates legal certainty for providers in an environment which is dominated by US law,” said Lawyer Thomas Rickert, Director of Names and Numbers at eco.

Further information

The legal opinion can be obtained for a fee from eco – Association of the German Internet Industry e. V. and was prepared by the Schollmeyer & Rickert Rechtsanwaltgesellschaft mbH.

Your contact person:
Katrin Mielke
Project Manager Membership Care

Phone: +49 (0)221 7000 48-173