
Dear members and friends of eco …

It doesn’t seem so long ago that Internet pioneers were seen as dreamers with their heads in the clouds. And yet, in 2015 we can look back on 20 successful years in the Internet for eco and DE-CIX – years in which, together with you, we have experienced so many interesting and exciting things, and have all been involved in turning that vision into reality.

The Internet itself is also celebrating a birthday – in 2015 it will be 25 years since the Internet broke the bounds of the academic world , and started being used commercially in Germany. So 2015 will be a major anniversary year for all of us, during which we wish to honor the jubilee accordingly with activities and events, and collectively dream up new dreams.

Before this, we hope you will be able to enjoy a relaxed festive season in the company of your loved ones. We wish you, your staff and their families a happy and stress-free time and a good start in the eventful new year. Thank you for the trust you have shown in us, and best wishes for a successful year in 2015.

Your board, and the whole team at eco