
No National Unilateral Action on IT Security

eco Director of Policy and Law Oliver Süme, on today’s speech on Data Security by the German Federal Minister de Mazière at the Berlin DuD-Konferenz:

“IT Security has been an essential topic for the Internet industry for years. Security is the basis for trust, and trust is the prerequisite for the success of the Internet and for many companies that use the Internet as their foundation. We therefore welcome in principle the plans for the increase in data protection and data security in the Internet, which were presented today in Berlin by Federal Minister de Mazière. However, we view with concern the announcement from the Minister to press ahead now at the national level, irrespective of legislative developments at the European level. In our opinion, this is the wrong sequence. An IT Security law as a national unilateral action will contribute nothing to legal certainty, but will rather lead to multiple bureaucratic regulations that will inhibit innovation and will become a burden for the economy. The Federal Government should instead push strongly for the creation of international standards, and in this way demonstrate its position as a trailblazer for strong data protection and IT Security in a digital society.”

Position Paper IT Security in the 18th Session of the German Federal Government