
eco CEO Harald A. Summa Again in Advisory Board “Young Digital Economy” for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Again in this legislative period, eco – Association of the German Internet Industry e.V. will be represented in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy’s advisory board, Young Digital Economy. Summa is a core member of the board, which is to provide the impetus for the sustainability of the Digital Industry in Germany and for the development and spread of new digital technologies. In addition, the board will be looking at how to create better growth conditions for Internet start-ups.

Federal Minister Gabriel: Board will also play an emphatic role in the development of the Digital Agenda

The advisory board met yesterday, for the first time in this legislative period, in Berlin. There, the Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel said that Germany as an industry location lives, among other things, from the strong dynamics of young and innovative ICT companies. As a result, he added, the declared goal is to further improve the growth conditions for this future-oriented sector. Gabriel continued: “The advisory board Young Digital Economy supports us with new ideas and numerous activities. Our board will also play an emphatic role in the development of the Digital Agenda for Germany and provide valuable stimulus for growth-oriented policies for founders and young companies.”

eco has established itself as respected representative of the Internet industry in Berlin politics

eco CEO Harald A. Summa affirms that eco has established itself as a respected representative of the Internet industry in Berlin politics: “Germany’s future role in international competition will stand or fall according to the framework conditions that Internet companies encounter here. For this reason, eco advocates for its members in numerous national and international committees. Start-ups are playing an ever more important role at eco.”

The advisory board Young Digital Economy was first established on 15 January 2013. The current board members can be seen here.