Doing Business in Germany…

Datum 16.03.2016 ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort Europa-Park-StraĂźe 2 77977 Rust
Veranstalter eco Datacenter Expert group

eco sessions at 2016

Germany has a strong economy and a large population, making it very attractive for international companies looking to expand. But many international businesses find Germany a hard nut to crack.

In the WHD sessions on 16 March 2016, the eco Association brings together specialists with the know-how and experience to help you understand the German business culture and regulatory landscape, and help you to put your best foot forward when dealing with the peculiarities of the German market.

10:00 German Business Culture: Do’s and Don’ts

What’s important when negotiating with German business people? How can you convince skeptical German customers to part with their money? What should you avoid doing or saying when you’re dealing with Germans? What will make a good first impression, and how can you develop lasting business relationships?

The eco experts on the panel all have years of experience in international business, and can offer sound advice on the German way of doing business.

Dr. Rolf Claessen
Patent Attorney
FREISCHEM & PARTNER Patentanwälte mbH
Protecting Your Good Name
Protecting Intellectual Property Across Borders 
Michael Frey
CEO & Founder
5 Questions for… Michael Frey
Werner Paulus
Staffan Reveman
Managing Director
Reveman Energy Academy
Johannes Schäfer
Project Director International Business Communities, ICT & DigitalHub FrankfurtRheinMain
Frankfurt Economic Development GmbH
Vincenz Wagner
Market Adviser
Enterprise Ireland
Top 3 Tips on German IT Market
Dr. BĂ©la Waldhauser, CEO
Telehouse Deutschland GmbH /
KDDI Deutschland GmbH
The DC market is a good business to be in
10:30 German Business Culture: Dealing with the Law

Germany is well known to love bureaucracy. And ignorance is no defense. So, what are the important laws and regulations that businesses need to take into account if they are moving into the German market?

Lawyer Dr. Thorsten Hennrich will provide an overview of the most important issues regarding contract and employment law, taxes and e-commerce, before looking at German data protection law and data transfers for international companies.

Patent Attorney Dr. Rolf Claessen will then give an overview of intellectual property law, patenting and brand protection in Germany.

Dr. Rolf Claessen
Patent Attorney
FREISCHEM & PARTNER Patentanwälte mbH
Protecting Your Good Name
Protecting Intellectual Property Across Borders 
Dr. Thorsten Hennrich, Lawyer
BMT Chambers
5 Questions for… Dr. Thorsten Hennrich
11:00 Surveillance in a Digital Society

eco Board Member Klaus Landefeld takes a look at the regulations and fundamental issues relating to “strategic” state surveillance through digital communications media, and the obligations which telecommunication providers are faced with.

He explains the legal and constitutional problems with the reintroduction of blanket data retention in Germany at the end of 2015 and the encroachment of privacy rights represented by the collection of personal data.

In 2015, Klaus Landefeld participated in the hearing of the German federal committee investigating the surveillance activities of the NSA and other secret service agencies.

Klaus Landefeld
Board Member
eco – Association of the Internet Industry 
11:30 Market Consolidation: The German Data Center Market

The data center industry is a remarkably youthful industry, which has seen enormous growth and upheaval in its mere 20-year history.

In this presentation and the following panel discussion, Leader of the eco Competence Group Datacenter Infrastructure Dr. BĂ©la Waldhauser, CEO of Telehouse Deutschland GmbH, looks at the current wave of consolidation in which large data center operators are buying out smaller ones to gain strategic advantages, or are merging with equivalent-sized companies to strengthen their portfolio against the competition.

So, what is going on in the industry right now, and where is it headed? What are the consequences for smaller operators and how can they adapt to the changing data center landscape of the coming years? Dr. BĂ©la Waldhauser will be joined on the podium by several data-center and Internet infrastructure specialists.

Dr. BĂ©la Waldhauser, CEO
Telehouse Deutschland GmbH /
KDDI Deutschland GmbH
Frank J. Zachmann
Digital Hub FrankfurtRheinMain e.V.
Julian King
Managing Director
Zenium Germany GmbH
Marco Houwen
LU-CIX asbl.
Dr. Thomas Fischer
Principal IT Architect
noris network AG
12:30 Outlook for the German Internet Industry – Organic & Inorganic Growth Opportunities for Hosting Companies

What is the prognosis for the German Internet industry to the end of the decade?

Lars Riegel, author of the newly published eco Association & Arthur D. Little report “The German Internet Industry 2016 – 2019” will give an overview of the major findings and forecasts from the study, and provide a deepdive on the potential for growth in the hosting industry.

Lars Riegel
Arthur D. Little

WHD session – Doing Business in Germany
powered by eco – Association of the Internet Industry

Meet the eco team, eco members and friends over two days of high-quality talks and panel sessions in the Circus Celebration theatre. Topics include Doing Business in Germany, Data Privacy and Surveillance, Market Consolidation in the Data Center Industry, Domain Names and Universal Acceptance, Brand TLDs and geoTLDs.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016: Doing Business in Germany
Thursday, 17 March 2016: eco Domain Name Talks

Time: 10:00–13:00 (including different panels)
All sessions are in English.

Free Ticket-Code: GL165VN

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