16th Meeting of the ICANN-Studienkreis

Datum 06.10.2016 - 07.10.2016 ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort MARIJANA BLAZICA 2 20000 Dubrovnik Croatia
Veranstalter ICANN Studienkreis Webseitehttp://www.icann-studienkreis.net/

6 – 7 October 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Croatian Academic and Research Network is proud to co-host the 2016 edition of the ICANN Studienkreis in Dubrovnik from 6 to 7th of October 2016.

With Key Note Speeches by Göran Marby (CEO & President of ICANN) and Thomas Rickert (Co-Chair CCWG ICANN Accountability & eco Director Names & Numbers).


There are a number of rooms reserved in the Hilton Imperial Hotel. The special room rate is 160.00 EUR including breakfast. Please find the special reservation page here.

The Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik hotel is only 100 m from Dubrovnik’s Old Town, and just meters from the historic entrance at Pile Gate. Banje Beach is also close by, so you can relax peacefully next to the sea.

How to reach Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik Cilipi International Airport is served by many European Airlines. The Airport is 22 km from the Hotel. From the Airport, take the shuttle bus which is scheduled to meet incoming and outgoing flights. Cost per passenger EUR 5. The journey takes approximately 40 minutes and stops at the Old Town gates, 100 meters from the Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik hotel. A taxi – about 25 minutes – is around EUR 40.00.

More information, details & registration


The ICANN Studienkreis 2016 will take place in the Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik Hotel.

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