17th Meeting of the ICANN-Studienkreis

Datum 24.09.2017 ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort Hilton Stockholm Slussen Guldgränd 8 104 65 Stockholm Sweden
Veranstalter ICANN Studienkreis Webseitehttp://www.icann-studienkreis.net

24–25 August 2017 – Stockholm, Sweden

The ICANN Studienkreis is organised by Medienstadt Leipzig e.V. / Netcom Institute a NGO recognised At Large Structure under ICANN Bylaws. Established in 1999, the ICANN Studienkreis organizes annual high level expert seminars on subjects, related to Internet Governance and the development of ICANN.

Originally the ICANN Studienkreis emerged as a network of the German speaking Internet community and was mainly supported by the three German speaking ccTLD registries: DENIC for .de, SWITCH for .ch and .li and nic.at for .at. Later the ICANN Studienkreis became internationalized and worked together with partners from the global gTLD community like Affilias, VeriSign and joker.com.

24 August 2017 – Workstream 2:
How much Power is in the Empowered Community?
 14:00 Thomas Rickert
Director Names & Numbers,
eco – Association of the Internet Industry

Further information & registration


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