Brands & Domains 2017

Datum 02.10.2017 - 03.10.2017 ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort Kurhaus Scheveningen Gevers Deynootplein 30 2586 CK Den Haag
Veranstalter DIETMAR STEFITZ Webseite

2-3 October 2017, Den Haag – in cooperation with eco
Best Ticket-Price for eco Members!

The second conference – Experts on digital marketing, registry operations, search engine and branding will gather with major companies that have registered Brand TLDs, or those considering applying for a Brand TLD in the future. On the first day eco Director Names & Numbers Thomas Rickert will talk about EU Data Protection and Internet Governance.


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Over 500 brand TLDs have been delegated, don’t miss this critical event as brands are entering a new era. If you want to apply in the future for a Brand TLD, you must be there.

Due to its nature, Brandsand.Domains is an exclusive event with a reduced number of participants, representing some of the leading companies in the global market.

Therefore, many participants will be representatives of brands that have their own Brand TLD, coming from fields such as:

  • Marketing and communication
  • Research and development
  • Customers’ experience
  • Legal and Intellectual Property
  • IT and technology providers
  • Supporting service providers

Brandsand.Domains also offers excellent opportunities to sponsors interested in getting to know brand and online presence representatives of top companies.

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