Conference: Israel Mobile Summit 2016

Datum 14.06.2016 ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort 101 Sderot Rokach Tel Aviv Israel
Veranstalter Israel Mobile Week Webseite

14 June 2016 – Tel Aviv

The Israel Mobile Summit 2016 will be held 14 June 2016 with satellite events before and after. The Summit is the premier annual mobile event of Israel, and simply put, it is the greatest mobile show in town! a full day event that is a true celebration of the Israeli mobile industry, attended by over 2.000 of the best and brightest mobile minds!


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Entering its 6th year, the summit is *the* leading event for the mobile apps and games ecosystem in Israel, and one of the most prominent ones in EMEA. It features keynotes from top speakers, panels about the hot mobile topics, an innovation showcase and contest of the hottest Israeli mobile startups and lots of networking!

Israel Mobile Week

The summit is part of Israel Mobile week which is held on 13-15 June. Among the events:

  • MobileMonday Tel Aviv (13 June):
    The biggest mobile meetup in Israel
  • Israel Mobile Summit 2016 (14 June):
    The mobile industry annual event
  • Summit Official Party (14 June):
    Free for Summit attendees
  • Special Executive Event (15 June):
    More details to come soon!

Who is it for? How can I network with other attendees?

Basically anyone engaged with the mobile app ecosystem. Entrepreneurs, App Developers, Game Publishers, Ad Networks, Providers, VCs – everyone will find interesting content and peers to network with in this summit. As always we have a lot of international speakers and guests, so the summit will be held entirely in English.

Further Details, Agenda & Registration


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