Workshop: „From Running Lean to Scaling Lean“

Datum 02.05.2016 18:55 - 20:30 Uhr ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort Im Mediapark 5 50670 Cologne Germany
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2 May 2016 – Presented by Ash Maurya,

author of Running Lean and creator of Lean Canvas

Learn How to Define, Measure, and Achieve What Everyone Wants – AKA Traction (and get a copy of my next book: Scaling Lean). Ash Maurya partners with local leaders to run a hybrid offline/online event where he’ll be previewing the biggest takeaways from his upcoming next book: Scaling Lean over Skype.

NOTE: He will do the talk over videoconference.

There will be a Q&A session at the end of the talk.

Whether it’s getting the green light on a new venture, or securing an additional round of funding, entrepreneurs are constantly faced with the challenge of demonstrating progress to their stakeholders.

The term stakeholder is loosely defined here to include anyone with a vested interest in your business idea. This could be an investor, corporate sponsor, spouse – even yourself.

Remember that while ideas are cheap, acting on them can consume years of your life.

Up until now, we have typically relied on two measures of progress: how much stuff we’re building and how much money we are making. Both of these are unreliable proxies of progress that can lead us down the wrong path of building something nobody wants.

In this talk, you’ll learn how to focus on a single metric that all stakeholders want – aka TRACTION. Further, you’ll learn how to use this metric to build a traction model, and identify the bottlenecks or constraints holding you back.

For those already familiar with Running Lean (not a prerequisite to attend):

The big epiphany in Running Lean was viewing your business model (not your solution) as the product. This talk will focus on how you measure the output of a working business model through additional thinking processes like the Theory of Constraints, Jobs-to-be-done, and Systems thinking.

This talk previews content from my upcoming next book: Scaling Lean.

You’ll receive a hardcopy of the book when it comes out in June.

Further details & registration


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