ICANN78 ISPCP Outreach
Regional legislation and the development of the global internet
NIS2 Directive, DNS4EU, Fair Share debate, etc. - The European Union has recently been very active in developing new regulations. What are the implications for the Internet industry and the ecosystem of ISPs and connectivity providers? The ISPCP invites you to discuss these questions and more at the ISPCP outreach event on Tuesday 24 October starting at 15:30 pm at ICANN78 in Hamburg.
Details of the room will be announced shortly.
Registration for the ICANN78 meeting is required to attend.
Registrations & attendance of ICANN78 is free of charge.
- 14:55pm CET
Philippe Fouquart
Chair of the ISPCP, Senior Expert - Naming, Numbering and Addressing, Orange
- 15:00pm CET
Will DNS4EU change the European resolver landscape?
According to ICANN's Office of the Chief Technical Officer (OCTO), in 2022, 95% of consumers served by large consumer ISPs in the European Union (EU) use their ISP-provided DNS resolvers.
On a global scale, however, recent years have seen the emergence of alternative DNS resolvers provided by global players. These alternatives generally support encrypted variants of the DNS protocol, which makes DNS queries sent to these alternative providers opaque to an ISP.
On the one hand, DNS resolution can be perceived as a cost centre for ISPs without a clear business case; on the other hand, the impact of an ISP network being blind to outgoing DNS requests has raised some concerns within the ISP community and beyond.
In this context, the EU has put forward a proposal for a public European DNS resolver service; the project has been launched in early 2023. This panel will discuss the implementation plan of DNS4EU and its (potential) impact on the European market and DNS resolver landscape.
Michal Havelka
Product Manager, WhalebonePeter Thomassen
- 15:30pm CET
How fair is Fair Share?
The Internet is based on the principle of access: Everyone should have equal access to the information and services provided by the World Wide Web. And each user, large or small, is responsible for organising his or her access through the Internet access provider of his or her choice, or through peering services and data centres.
Almost as long as the Internet has existed, there have been discussions about network access charges or so-called sender pay schemes. And there have been discussions and regulations about full and fair access, such as the EU's Open Internet Regulation.
This panel will discuss questions such as Is the internet not fair anymore? Should those who transfer the most data pay an extra fee? Would this violate the Open Internet Regulation? Is the market distorted? What is the underlying technical architecture of the Internet ecosystem and what are the current and future market developments?
Lise Fuhr
Director General (CEO), ETNOKlaus Landefeld
Vice Chair of the Board, Board Member for Infrastructure & Networks, eco - Association of the Internet IndustryThomas Rickert (Moderator)
Director Names & Numbers, eco - Association of the Internet Industry
- 16:00pm CET
- End of Session
AGENDA - Tuesday, 12 September 2023
- 9:00am-5:00pm CET
- Closed geoTLD.group members-only meeting
AGENDA - Tuesday, 12 September 2023
- 9:00-10:30am CET
Block 1 - geoTLD business
Welcome and Introductions
Updates from Members / Roundtable (Each member is invited to provide a short 2 minute update)
AoB & issues emerging from day 1
- 10:30-11:00am CET
Coffee break
Thomas Rickert
Director Names & Numbers, eco - Association of the Internet Industry
- 13:00-14:00pm CET
- Lunch break
- 14:00-15:30pm CET
- Block 3 - Regulatory developments / ICANN policy
- 15:30-16:00pm CET
- Coffee break
- 16:00-17:00pm CET
- Block 4 - geoTLD.group housekeeping

Senior Expert - Naming, Numbering and Addressing

Director General (CEO)

Product Manager

Vice Chair of the Board
eco - Association of the Internet Industry

Moderator, Director Names & Numbers
eco - Association of the Internet Industry


Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director, Europe, ICANN

CEO, I/P/B Internet Provider Berlin

CCH - Congress Center Hamburg
Hall F (Level 2)
Congressplatz 1
20355 Hamburg