Workshop DDos Mitigation and Blackholing

Datum 01.12.2015 13:00 Uhr ics/ical Download von ics/ical
Ort Lindleystrasse 12 60314 Frankfurt

Status Quo, Standardization und Future Development

Blackholing is one efficient measurement against DDoS attacks. DE-CIX Blackholing Service is in place for several years now. We will present the current status quo about the service and ideas for future development. Those experiences mainly influenced the IETF draft „BLACKHOLEIXP BGP Community for Blackholing at IXPs“

Please note: The event is a workshop. Together with you we want to develop the topics that are important for the community. So your input is highly appreciated.


13:00 Registration and Coffee
13:30 Welcome
Sebastian Abt
13:45 Network Security Services Development at DE-CIX: Blackholing and RPKI-Light / BGPSec-Light
Presentation and Discussion
Dr. Thomas King
14:45 Coffee break
15:15 Using Blackholing against DDoS attacks
A user’s perspective
Peter Hessler
16:15 Topics 2016
Sebastian Abt
17:00 Get-Together with Finger Food