
16.09 | EuroCloud Workshop Cloud Managed Services auf der DataCentre Expo in Düsseldorf

Im Rahmen der Sonderveranstaltung Cloud Live auf der DataCentre Expo in Düsseldorf veranstaltet die EuroCloud Kompetenzgruppe Cloud Managed Services am 16. September einenWorkshop zum Thema “Management von Cloud Services für Anbieter und Anwender in hybriden Cloud Umgebungen” in der Zeit von 13.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr.

Die Veranstaltung findet in Englisch statt.


13:00 Registration (Stand: eco/EuroCloud E4)
Part 1: Cloud Theater – Cloud Live 2010
13:30 Uhr Opening
Bernd Becker, President, EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e.V.
13:45 Uhr How do Private IT Suppliers survive The Public Cloud
Peter Meinen, CTO, Fujitsu Enabling Software Technology GmbH
Part 2: EuroCloud Workshop area close to the Theatre
Moderator: Bernd Becker, Peter Meinen
14:30 Uhr Workshop – Management of Cloud Services for Supplier and Customer within a hybrid cloud eco system

  1. The current responsibilities of private suppliers
    • What capabilities do IT departments and managed service companies deliver today?
    • What ‘standard’ description of these capabilities could be adopted?
  2. The emerging “Public” ecosystem
    • What are the types of cloud service providers emerging in the cloud ecosystem and what is their purpose?
    • How will current capabilities be distributed amongst cloud service provider types in the future?
    • What additional capabilities does each cloud provider type require over and above those required by traditional IT suppliers?
    • Which capabilities will not longer be relevant in a cloud ecosystem?
  3. Business models for Cloud Service Providers
    • What is the business model for each cloud service provider type
    • What assets does each cloud service provider type require to successfully pursue this business model?
    • How does each cloud service provider type monetise their capabilities?
    • How might each cloud service provider evolve from current models and are there maturity models that can help us understand this process?
  4. Public vs Private capabilities
    • What is the meaning of ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ in a cloud era?
    • Which cloud service provider capabilities should be public and which should be private?
    • How does each type of cloud service provider secure trust?
  5. Public market support mechanisms
    • How do we support / demonstrate legal compliance of cloud service providers?
    • What certification programmes might be required to raise standards and increase trust?
    • How do we streamline business contract support and enforcement for standard cloud services?
    • How do we support the monetisation of complex service value chains?
  6. The future of Private Suppliers
    • Which business types to concentrate on as core competencies
    • Assets required to enable sustainable existence
    • Transition patterns and starter roadmaps to accelerate movement to the future model
16:30 Summary and joined statement
17:00 End

Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, eine Anmeldung aber zwingend erforderlich. Senden Sie hierfür bitte eine Mail mit Ihren Kontaktdaten an events@eurocloud.de. Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Anmeldung für die Data Center Expo gesondert zuerfolgen hat.

Die Veranstaltung findet statt im

Düsseldorf Congress Centre
Stockumer Kirchstrasse 61

Weitere Informationen zur Data Centre Expo erhalten Sie unter http://www.datacentre-expo.com