
eco Dialog on the Future II – New Alignment of Internet Administration

ICANN & eco Invitation: Information and Discussion on IANA Stewardship Transition

The announcement by US Government in March 2014, of their intention to give up supervision of the IANA-functions held by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), led to vital discussions worldwide. According to some press coverage, the IANA Stewardship Transition may lead to the instability of the entire internet. This shows that false information is circulating regarding this topic – either as a result of political intentions or due to a lack of knowledge.

The eco Dialog on the Future takes a closer look at the new alignment of the IANA-function, providing the latest information about the process and discussing it with experts and people who are involved in the process. Get first-hand and insider information at eco about the alignment´s current status.

The US Government demands a succession based on the so-called Multistakeholder-Modell and a transition either to a single or to multiple governments will not be accepted. But how exactly a proposal to the US Government should be designed is not finally defined yet and is the subject of the current discussion.

At the second edition of the eco Dialog on the Future, experts will give first-hand information about the status quo and analyze further steps. The meeting will give the opportunity to ask questions and discuss considerations about possible approaches. Additionally, the meeting will contribute to the development of a position in the German “Internet Governance community”.

If desired by the participants, the meeting will be held according to the Chatham House Rules.



Tuesday, 9th December 2014
12:30 Registration
13:00 Welcoming Address
Oliver Süme
Lawyer, Deputy Chair of the Board, Director of Policy & Law, eco e.V.
Thomas Rickert
Lawyer, Director Names & Numbers, eco e.V., Member of GNSO Council at ICANN
13:15 Keynote
ICANNs Role in Internet Governance in the Light of the IANA Stewardship Transition
Tarek Kamel
Sr. Advisor to the President – Gov. Engagement, ICANN
13:45 Process, Approach & Status Quo
I. An Overview to the Process of Preparing the IANA Stewardship Transition
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
Member of IANA Transition Stewardship, Co-ordination Group at ICANN
II. The IANA Stewardship Transition
Dr. Jörg Schweiger
Vorstand, DENIC eG
III. Enhancing ICANNs Accountability
Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwächter
University of Aarhus, Member of the ICANN Board
14:30 Coffee Break & Networking
15:00 Discussion
Jean-Jacques Sahel
Vice-President, Europe (Global Stakeholder Engagement), ICANN
Part 1 – IANA Stewardship Transition
Hans-Peter Dittler
Chair, ISOC Deutschland
Dr. Jörg Schweiger
Chair, DENIC eG
Axel Pawlik
Managing Director, RIPE NCC
Part 2 – ICANN Accountability
Hubert Schöttner
Consultant in International ICT Policy, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, GAC Member at ICANN
Erika Mann
Member of the ICANN Board
Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwächter
University Aarhus, Member of the ICANN Board
Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hoffmann
Director Internet Policy and Governance, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
17:30 Get-Together & Fingerfood
Speakers and discussion participants will be available for individual questions in pleasant company with drinks and a bite to eat
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eco Zukunftsdialog II – Neuausrichtung der Internetverwaltung am 09.12.2014: eco – Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V., Berlin

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At a glance: eco Dialog on the Future II – New Alignment of Internet Administration

13:00End of registration:
eco — Association of the German Internet Industry
Political Office
Französische Straße 48
10117 Berlin