
New gTLDs Come Closer – Trademark Clearinghouse Now Open

With the opening of the Trademark Clearinghouse, TMCH, in March, the new gTLDs have taken another big step forward. Trademark owners can use this service to centrally register their brands and have them validated by the TMCH. Then they can enjoy several helpful advantages that help them protect their brands under the new gTLDs.

However, brand owners should not rush into decisions, eco says. ‘Although the TMCH opening means a significant step forward for the new Top Level Domains, we still have several months to go before the first new ending is kicked off. This means that companies still have time to elaborate a suitable strategy for their approach toward the new TLDs,’ says Thomas Rickert, eco Director Names & Numbers.

eco soon will launch an information initiative to give companies and brand owners any information they require regarding upcoming changes and the action they should take. There will be workshops, panel discussions and support not only for brand owners, but also for domain providers.

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