
New Top Level Domains – What Companies Need To Consider

It is a creeping Internet revolution: there will be two new Top Level Domains (TLDs) introduced to the Internet every day, on average, starting this summer and for some two years. The well-known endings such as .de or .com are supplemented by new addresses such as .blog, .shop, or .berlin.

eco is hosting a series of workshops to inform companies about everything they need to know to protect their brands online. The workshops address CEOs, brand or marketing managers, lawyers and individuals responsible for their company’s copyright affairs.

The workshops provide an overview of the implications of new TLDs, present the most significant risks and opportunities, and show companies what action they can and should take. Detailed written documentation will be available to all participants. The workshop will be held in Berlin, Frankfurt, Vienna, Cologne, Munich and Hamburg between 6 June and 8 August 2013. Participation is free of charge