
Registrar Atlas 2012: The Domain Industry Continues to Grow

Right before the introduction of new Top Level Domains, eco published its second survey on the domain industry. The survey was created with the help of VeriSign and includes, for the first time, a comparison of four European countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

According to the survey, the industry keeps its optimism. Most survey participants expect continued market growth and say that their own business will grow faster than the market. In the Netherlands, 36 percent say their business will experience strong growth in the next 24 months.

When asked about the potential of the new Top Level Domains, the experts shared a more critical view. Whilst new TLDs will not be successful just because they exist, the most attractive endings are expected to be high in demand, they say.

The Registrar Atlas 2012 survey is available free of charge and can be downloaded in English and German:

Zum Europäischen Datenschutztag: Unternehmen brauchen kohärente Gesetzgebung, die Spielraum für innovative Geschäftsmodelle lässt